Saturday, November 20, 2010


The warm summer air comforts me
in the dark night
A one of a kind of dark
that casts my eyes upward
Uluru Rock says “do not disturb”
And points to a tapestry of stars

God you are out there
Brushing the red dirt from my hands
I stand to my feet and see forever

Riding in a car I lean against the window
And look out
A web work of branches race their shadows across my face
Competing with the Green leaves silhouetting
against golden light that pierces through
Causing me to squint

God you are out there
Rolling the window down
I feel your touch cooling my face

The air is humid as lightening pushes
its way through a sky that is grey hushed by red
Thunder cries back, as tears of rain pour
And hit my lips

God you are out there
The rains faids away
Leaving a scent, you are near

My heart beats so I can live
But I’m only alive when
I know that God is out there.

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