Saturday, November 20, 2010


The warm summer air comforts me
in the dark night
A one of a kind of dark
that casts my eyes upward
Uluru Rock says “do not disturb”
And points to a tapestry of stars

God you are out there
Brushing the red dirt from my hands
I stand to my feet and see forever

Riding in a car I lean against the window
And look out
A web work of branches race their shadows across my face
Competing with the Green leaves silhouetting
against golden light that pierces through
Causing me to squint

God you are out there
Rolling the window down
I feel your touch cooling my face

The air is humid as lightening pushes
its way through a sky that is grey hushed by red
Thunder cries back, as tears of rain pour
And hit my lips

God you are out there
The rains faids away
Leaving a scent, you are near

My heart beats so I can live
But I’m only alive when
I know that God is out there.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I’m here and I take it all back!
You knew I would
Your hand is always with me
From When I first learned
How to ride a bike
And now, as I teeter on the step of faith
You will never leave me

Come for me
Comfort me
I’m looking for you

I begin my pursuit
and follow soft melodies
Slowly I pull back the tall grass
I gain a glimpse of my Savior
Funny to think such essence of beauty
Would look into my shy eyes
And pull me through from my hiding

Your answers speak to me
like sun rays falling, warming my
Face, my eyes coming to a close
I’m in peace
These feelings are proven
And deep
I am in love
I know true love

"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Luke 11:9

Friday, June 11, 2010

For You

Your hair, it curls
and bounces across your lovely apple cheeks
In tune with your bubbly spirit

Your sapphire eyes shine
So excited to take
on this day
to unknowingly
bring a smile to someones face

One day these dreams will come true

But now, you're broken
Bruised, a spirit crushed
By an imperfect world
taking us all on an imperfect journey

Don't stop, the darkness will clear
with crimson and wounded hands leaving imprints
on a heart that will beat again
This is my dream for you!

Choose the voice you resist
Hear above the others that tell you to detest
the One who's love no one can fathom
and cause a silence and stillness
against the screams of your nights

Jesus is here,
Don't waste your time
with the evil that smiles
at you so beautifully
and playfully whispers you, "hello"
while eagerly plots your final goodbye

Jesus is here
He is coming for you
Your eyes look to a hope filled sky
Don't look down because you are going higher
Among the depths of love

Run away with Him while you can
and He will take you there
To a light that spreads across your very being
and floods your veins with grace
offering sight from the darkness
giving you a new life
His mercy holds you near

Trust me, He will rescue you
May He be yours always

Friday, April 9, 2010

Letting Go

Tight is my fist
These knuckles are white
Clinging to the dearest things of all
Why must it be so hard
to believe you?

Is it difficult?
I mean your love,
It wraps around me
in a sheet of silk
Your joy is a
bike ride down hill
in summer dusk with a hint of rain
Surrender is complete

One finger uncurls
Like a rose in the sun
My hand opens to you
A white dove then flies
Away free forever in your sky

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I wrote this when I was freshman in high school.
It has NOTHING to do with the song, "Fireflies" by Owl City (LOVE them!!). This poem is about a memory I had when my family and I would go to Ohio to visit my grandparents. At night there were fireflies everywhere in the backyard. I remember catching them with my brother and sister, bringing them inside the house, and turning the lights off. I missed those days when writing the poem. When we all got along, and things weren't hard. At the time, my family life was getting a little crazy.

I like this poem, even if it sounds kind of funny. So I thought I might as well post it. :)

Fireflies, fireflies why the reminiscing glow?
That burns the awakening of such passion flow
Of the way things used to be
When you and I were young, wild, and full of glee

Hypnotizing flashes every warm summer night
Danced the beauty of your glow that held my gaze so tight
Why do you now bring envy for the way things used to be?
Because everything is different now, it comes with a fee.

The fiery yellow light never seems to bend
When it shows the way good things always have to end
"Remember the good old day?"
"When the glow of my wing tempted you to come and play?"

Fireflies, Fireflies, you are that reminiscing glow
Reminding you and I of the good old summer nights ever so slow
Before me my recollecting past lies
All because of the glowing reminder of the fireflies

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Puzzle Not Solved

As I look up at your diamond sky
I wonder,
Why God, why me?
Out of all those girls
all those people
as numerous as those stars
you chose me?

I go to my knees
searching for you
and there you are, holy,
and you believe in me
I will take that step of faith
as you watch me, and think I'm beautiful,
and made exactly the way you wanted

Yes, things of this life
have a temporary taste,
At times my mind aches
and I must fight to resist,
but you gave me love,
a love guaranteed,
that's never taken back

Everyone wants to be loved,
and will eventually be let down
But I am loved in way I could
never know.....perfectly!

Yes, life is hard on this path
that brings me toward you,
but it's an adventure of a lifetime, for a cause
that is something bigger, and supernatural

Why you wanted me?
the puzzle will never be solved
But I'm blown away,
and all I can say is,
Thank you, I love you too

Saturday, January 30, 2010


The dust is starting to settle
Air becoming fresh, my coughs subside
A sun beam decorates the dust flecks that remain

The beauty of that moment
Floods relief to my beating heart

New options become like a hand
Offered in the dark
A hand that is warm and tangible
One that I feared was a haunting ghost

You have proven to be faithful
In ways I thought were incapable

Rain then comes and beats on my back
I look up for once and I laugh
Because one can run in the rain
Without an umbrella
And when it’s done
There might be a rainbow.